In-House Diagnostics Help Us Provide Better Pet Care in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Both sick and healthy pets benefit from our in-house diagnostics, which include a full laboratory and digital radiography. When we need sufficient information to develop a more complete profile of your pet’s health, a physical exam alone will not do.
If your pet is unwell or just needs their annual blood work, give us a call (405) 842-2273
Our in house and reference laboratories allow us to run blood work, urinalysis, cytology, fecal analysis, as well as many other tests.
We recommend annual blood testing because your pet’s health can change rapidly from year to year. Blood work helps us establish their health baseline and build a comprehensive medical history.
Some of the tests we provide include:
- Complete blood count (CBC) - As its name implies, this test counts your pet’s red and white blood cells.
- Blood chemistry panels - With these tests, we can study the blood content and check your pet’s electrolytes, glucose levels, proteins, and much more. These different components can tell us a lot about the health of various internal organs, including the liver and kidneys.
- Disease screening - We offer a variety of disease screens to check for heartworm disease, Lyme disease, feline leukemia, feline immunodeficiency virus, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, and more.
We can use our digital X-ray (including dental x-rays), equipment for dogs, cats, and any exotic species requiring a more complete health evaluation. With X-ray, we can view the bones and joints in crystal-clear detail and more accurately diagnose issues associated with the musculoskeletal system, including:
- Joint inflammation
- Bone fractures
- Hip and elbow dysplasia
- Injuries
- Fractured teeth
- Periodontal disease
- Tooth root resorption
- …and more
We can also check the heart and lungs for abnormal signs, and screen for suspected foreign bodies.